Monday, June 10, 2013

In the Garden: June 10

It finally feels like summer. Things are growing pretty well so far- only half the Tomatoes have made it in the ground- but the other half are hardening off nicely. The most soul lifting thing at the moment is the little grain patch we've got going- we've got some barley, two kinds of Lentils- pictured above- which are just so healthy and lovely looking- and two kinds of Quinoa, which seems to be not doing as well- last year our Quinoa didn't take off either, so we're on the verge of giving up on this grain, but maybe we'll still figure it out, who knows.

The asparagus is done I think- we'll maybe get another stalk or two, we've been enjoying it on pizza- so yummy! The strawberries are doing great, and pretty much all the seeds we've put in the ground are up and thriving, which is also tremendously cheering. We transplanted some Chamomile and some Oriental Poppies this week too. Hopefully these sunny days keep on coming.

1 comment:

  1. We seem to have a nice day and then a wet day ... today is the wet one. The gardens are growing in leaps and bounds and I don't have to water them :)
