Friday, February 11, 2011

I Love...Garden Tomatoes

These ones were destined for roasted tomato soup using this recipe. It was good but I had to do a bit of fixing because my tomatoes were frozen so I took out the liquid half way through and roasted for an extra hour to get the garlic cooked through. Delicious and easy and it was a hit with all family members.
The tomatoes were just washed and cored and any bad bits taken off then frozen in zip locks, they took up a lot of freezer room but were so easy to put away- and have been really easy to use too- I've even just put one in a saucepan with some onions and Swiss chard and let it thaw out and then eaten on pasta. we froze them according to colour as well- yellow and orange together, and red together, just for the novelty of it.

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