I'm Angela, wife, mother, artist. I've had this space set aside for a while- not sure if I was really wanting to fill it. I'm a bit of an introvert you see, and even though I've been wanting to reach out and share my experiences here, I've been unsure of how to begin- call it the fear of the blank page if you will- when possibilities abound and you're not sure where to start.
I want this to be a welcoming space where I can share my thoughts- mostly on how my life and art intersect. I've recently become a mom, and the focus in my life has changed, where I used to be absorbed in making Art (capital A art that is- Gallery Art, Academic Art, Art with a big message), I'm now interested in how to live my life in a way that feels like making art, whether it is by actually creating something- or by being as thoughtful and considered as I am in creating a piece of art, while I'm doing everyday things.
I hope you'll enjoy these posts- and that you'll let me know what you think in the comments section, I'd love to hear from you.