Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In the garden: July 18

Well- last week was busy- I was working for the week- so we were barely home, I honestly don't know how people work outside the home all the time, especially when they have young children, it boggles my mind. Anyhow the garden got neglected last week- as did the house (which sort of points how much work it all is, even though it seems like nothing when you're doing it full time- all it takes is a week of not doing it for things to unravel), so we spent the weekend outside catching up (this week I'll do the house inside...). It was perfect weather for working outside- 22 with a nice breeze- beautiful! so we weeded, and weeded and roto- tilled. I transplanted some johnny jump-ups from the grass to the perennial garden (edible flowers- did you know? and really delicious- they taste like that 'purple' flavour in jelly beans), and we started a much thought of stone walkway in between the rows of  perennials- creeping thyme will go between the stones.

The tomatoes are starting to ripen- I am so excited for that, and the baby watermelons are starting- so tiny and cute. We also have started harvesting the Zucchini! which was celebrated with fried blossoms, and some lovely little baby zucchini in pasta- so yummy I never took a picture. I also harvested the Echinacea, and set it to tincture with some Monarda, and Thyme- which is supposedly great for winter colds. I've never done much of that stuff before- but I bought a book by Rosemary Gladstar- and it seemed so straightforward and easy I thought I'd try. So far I've got tinctures of catnip (which was sort of hilarious to prepare with the cats around- I hope that we can take the tincture without them rubbing all over our faces), nettle, and the monarda, echinacea, thyme trio going- and I've dried all sorts of things with a makeshift drying space. It's exciting how many useful plants I've already got growing either nearby or in the garden, I feel a bit obsessed.

The lentils, sadly have been put to rest- we had to mow them down after the grasshoppers got in them, and ate them until there was nothing left- the only thing left growing out in that patch is some barley- which looks great- and some popcorn which I hope will produce. I'm sad about the lentils, but still I think with all the dry beans I've got growing, I'll have enough shelling to do without worrying about those tiny lentils.

1 comment:

  1. I love your bean teepee! I want to have one too but don't have room yet, I just have a couple raised beds. We have been eating beans though. Yellow and green. The green pole Beans are 8 feet high, past their supports and growing up each other. Unfortunately nothing else is doing as well. My four tomato plants have three tomatoes and I haven't got a single zucchini despite about ten flowers.
    Your garden and your little helpers are beautiful.
